Spring Council/Counsel/Circle

Updated June 11 @ 9:45 pm California time

Spring Council/Circle/Counsel aka spring ccc is where the site for the 2019 gathering will be determined and gathering layout begins. There may be travel to see sites the scouts propose, lots of walking, discussion and/or consensus. All are welcome to participate in the process.

Spring ccc starts June 8 and can last one day or one week. 

Spring council is over. For information on the gathering, read the Howdy Folks.

Spring council directions 

Take State HW 13 north through Washburn, WI.

From the north end of town, about 10 miles towards Bayfield. Watch for the State Fish Hatchery on the left, go two more miles to County Road J West/Left (at the Woodside Cottages sign).

Follow J about 1 mile, until the STOP sign. Go straight onto Star Route Rd, ----be aware Star Route is a windy, up and down hilly, and narrow road.

Take Star Route Rd. about 3 miles, watch for Echo Valley Road on right ---slow down---after the rise in the hill take the next, sharp left onto Jammer Hill Road. 

Follow Jammer Hill Rd, south until the first unmarked narrow road about 1.3 miles on right. (There are two spray painted trees and a white PVC container on a tree, and rock piles) – 

Parking on Jammer Hill Road is good, especially at night, and until you have seen what the road looks like. For the brave, follow this narrow road up a short bit. 

We are avoiding Whiting Road at this point. The county is working on it and there is a sand trap about
~~~ end directions ~~~

However, if you come, please be self sufficient. Bring clothes for warm, wet and cold weather, good boots/shoes. Water and Food to share, shelter (tent, sleeping bag, etc) your own cup bowl spoon, all the stuff you'd need for gathering & a sense of humor. 

As a refresher, the purpose of spring ccc is to determine where home is. Individuals who have been walking the land will have information to share about the site(s) they found and the family on the land at spring ccc will have to reach consensus by silence or by foot on where we will be. 

Please be advised that from spring ccc, the gathering moves into Seed Camp.  Folks at seed camp find and develop water sources,set up the first kitchen and dig the first latrines, locate and mark out the parking lot, lay out trails and remove obstructions, locate Main Circle and dig the fire pit, and set up a welcoming entrance to the gathering.

This is a time when you can work intensely with a few other people and form some deep friendships. 

From this seed grows the flower of our Gathering.

Just an FYI, early in the gathering is when law enforcement presence can be the most intense as ratio of cops to gatherers may be high

This is a great time to form relationships with the USFS resource personnel, work out an unsigned operating plan with the rangers, and set up a process by which the USFS personnel can meet with gatherers on-the-land.  A specific location and time is a really good strategy as then everyone in camp knows where/when to be if they want to meet or not meet with the forest service. It takes many voices to do this work.  If you are not sure what an operating plan is, check out the collection of past operating plans on-line.

For more information on how home is found, click here.

This post will be updated with information when it becomes available. Normally the generally area for spring ccc is announced a week or so ahead of time with the exact directions not available until the last minute. Every year things vary.

Planes, Trains, and Buses

According to people out scouting, the gathering will probably be within 200 miles of Duluth, Minnesota.  The gathering normally, but not always is within 200 miles of the spring council site. Call the lightline for updates  @ 651-356-8842.  TIP!  If you are calling from a blocked number and do not hear a message, try redialing with *82 in front of the number to unblock and then you should hear a message.

Planning Ahead for the North Woods

Please plan on bring jugs of drinking water. I always recommend one gallon per person to carry in the for the day you arrive, plus leaving one gallon per person in the car, just in case. We are also asking everyone to bring a .2 Micron Filter system and be prepared to boil or filter your own water.  We have a bunch of family engineering water filtration systems for sites without elevation drops to push water, but the more self-sufficient you can be the better.  Some recommendations is to buy or build a Sawyer filter bucket system, , Katadyn filters are always awesome if you can pump them, and as a last resort, water purification tablets.


Be prepared for mosquitos and ticks. Ticks carry lyme disease. If you do not know how to check yourself, your family, and any pets you may bring for lyme disease, visit the CDC website for details. Also once you're on the land, check with INFO as there should be posters there as well. Long sleeved light colored shirts and pants provide barriers to bugs.

The general area for spring ccc will be available on the lightline on Thursday, June 6 @ 651-356-8842. The directions will be available on Friday, June 7.


  1. I will trust the water . Council consensus is we be in good a good water place .


  2. Hi Tikoo, I have been speaking with people focalizing water technology systems for this year's gathering and this message that I am sharing is one they are asking people to share. The issue in this area is not water, but water transport. Normally we rely on steep changes in elevation to transport water around the gathering. The woods in the consensus state do not have that. Therefore, our amazing family has been engineering and testing all sorts of new solutions such as solar powered pumps, etc. Because the water in this area tends to be surface water, we need to be especially vigilant in treating our water. Folks out scouting and folks working on water transportation have asked that this message be conveyed.

  3. That's ok . Probably our camp can find a little springhead to drink from ... to drink beyond confusion .

  4. People will do as they do, but for others reading this exchange we strongly recommend you boil or filter all your drinking water to prevent spreading illness throughout camp.

  5. When drinking cold and wild water , first take a small swallow then wait consciously . Note any personal burping .

  6. When selecting one gathering site over another let water vitality and water spirit be the essential concern . We must trust the Georgia Vision Council consensus on water . Water quality of the land will be our feeling .


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