Update from the land June 25

There are 2 lots for RVs/buses on the left hand side of the road marked by the forest service.

All other parking is on the right hand side of the road and on the road.

We still have a handicamp parking / camping area.

Keep dogs on leash to protect wildlife including bears and wolves—both of which have been seen on site. Just yesterday bear cubs crossed main trail not too far from INFO

Camp at least 200 feet from lake

Ask where to swim. There are many lakes and some of them are being used for drinking water. Rinse off 200 feet from lake. Think public pool rules

Be prepared for rain

Do not tie a thing to oak trees. Scratched bark leads to oak wilt. More details at INFO.

Lots of dragonflies on site.

Cops stopping people in vehicles frequently for the typical stuff. Read how to avoid a mandatory court appearance on top of blog

Court in Washburn Wisconsin. Next court date July 1st. If you missed June 24 show up on July 1 to avoid a warrant for your arrest

We love you and hope to see you on the land!

Karin Zirk
Ps. Sent from my phone. Please excuse typos.


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