Brief survey on gathering health in Wisconsin


  1. And I was in the woods in May and helped with scouting. LOTS of ticks throughout the experience, but especially early on. No symptoms and I used homeopathic Ledum 200 C - daily. A few pellets in my drinking water every day.

  2. Thanks for the Karin.
    An additional question may be - how long one was at the gathering, and when did they arrive --

    1. And, maybe a question on where food was obtained

  3. Yeah that would be good but I only got 6 questions for free.

  4. We have had stomach upset, fever, diarrhea, body aches, sleepiness. Stayed in kid village and drank the filtered water only. We also only ate at kid village and then main circle 2x. Things are ruled out for us as far as tick, and stomach bugs. I seen zero ticks on myself and 2 yr old. We are local from Duluth, MN. I did use bug spray with deet however (yes I know its bad, but it works for ticks well) Advice.... if you had a small deer tick (size of sesame seed or so) and have symptoms, sdtart Doxy antibiotics... sometimes there are no signs and labs come back fine... it can take time to show up. Stop it early and its much better. Make sure to care for your gut with good pre and probiotics during antibiotic meds XoXo Lovin you!

  5. Both me and partner got sick. I had the runs for 2 days after we left amd my partner had vomiting and the runs. We camped at turtle soup amd eat at dinner circle every night. We also hiked our own water in. I have my food service manager certificated and would like to run a food safety workshop at the next gathering.


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