Last Minute Preparations

As we are all starting to pack, plan for, and head towards the gathering, here are a few tips for information that will be common to any of the potential sites. 

Planes, Trains, and Buses

According to people out scouting, the gathering will probably be within 200 miles of Duluth, Minnesota.  Call the lightline for updates @ 651-356-8842.

Planning Ahead for the North Woods

Please plan on bringing jugs of drinking water. I always recommend one gallon per person to bring with you on the day you arrive for the hike in, plus leaving one gallon per person in the car, just in case.

We are also asking everyone to bring a .2 Micron Filter system and be prepared to boil or filter your own water. 

We have a bunch of family engineering water filtration systems for sites without elevation drops to push water, but the more self-sufficient you can be the better.  Some recommendations is to buy or build a Sawyer filter bucket system, , Katadyn filters are always awesome if you can pump them, and as a last resort, water purification tablets.


Be prepared for mosquitos and ticks. Ticks carry lyme disease. If you do not know how to check yourself, your family, and any pets you may bring for lyme disease, visit the CDC website for details. Also once you're on the land, check with INFO as there should be posters there as well. Long sleeved light colored shirts and pants provide barriers to bugs.
Spring council starts June 8. More information is available here. Once spring council reaches a consensus, directions to the gathering will be distributed widely include on this blog.


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